Friday 15 April 2011

four score and seven years ago..

Well not really. That means 78 years ago and I'm saying that its been that long but it certainly feels like ages. Atleast to me it does.

Updates that matter: I'm back in Malaysia for good. I'm currently unemployed but actively searching for a job. I left my heart in Australia and am waiting for it to either move on or whatever the next step is supposed to be. Not yet met up with all the friends and family I should have by now.

Once again i'm going to start a fresh and see how long it lasts.

One new interesting fact is that i've added 2 more tv seires to my already long list of tv series I download. Glee & Camelot. Glee: The music is awesome and there are some fine ladies in that show! Camelot: A diff outlook on the legend made by a relatively new british network. Eva Green as Morgana was a great casting choice. Hot and intense as ever! And Joseph Fiennes as Merlin is brilliant. One scene in particular made me literally Whoooo for joy.

Scene - Authur is climbing a huge ass waterfall to retrieve the sword in the stone while Merlin and Leontas (this productions version of Lancelot)watch. A random by stander is continuosly being negative.

Randon by stander: He's never going to make it. Its impossible
Merlin : Piss off

Me : Whoooo!! *Applauds while laughing!!

Currently watching Tom & Jerry while wating for 7pm to come by. God I really need a job!

Current beat: Tom & Jerry theme song =)

Laters ya'll

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