Thursday, 3 April 2008

Happy 1st of April!

Its really really sad dat i didn't get 2 prank anybody dis April Fools of d 2 ppl who got me, i don't noe nor have ever met 1 of em n d other isn't even a person!!

1) Kenny Sia... go see his latest post..its a long ass thing bout him quitting blogging..den at d end he wrote "Wait,
what's today's date again?" BLARDY HELL!! (sorry leon) i was seriously like 'shit wei Kenny Sia is quitting"!!

Idiot d man is....

2) Facebook sent me a e-mail... it was frm thier 'Texas HoldEm Poker' application n the subject was

'Your friend has just sent you a $1 million chips'

i was damn semangat sial.. didn't even think..straight away click... d bad grammer should have warned me... inside it said:

'APRIL FOOLS! Sorry! But come back and win your way to be a top dog'

like damn flebih rite....i got pranked by a facebook bai!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

peace out n later days ya'll

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