Thursday 29 April 2010

I could really use a wish right now wish right now...

This is a mistake

Ok! Yes it’s a mistake. I know it’s a mistake but there are certain things in life where you know that it’s a mistake but you don’t really know it’s a mistake. Because the only way to really know it’s a mistake is to make the mistake and look back and say ‘yep that was a mistake.’ So really the bigger mistake would be to not make the mistake because then you’d go your whole life not really knowing if something mistake or not. Does any of this make sense to you?

I don’t know. You said mistake a lot….

"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now wish right now wish right now
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now wish right now wish right now"

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