Monday, 13 October 2008

Of animal fetishes

I was on my way out of coll..decided 2 drop by d Hub to check on classmates.. saw Harmini n Daniel..

H: Doesn't Daniel remind u of Chicken Little
D: No
Me: No
H: Daniel so does look like Chicken Little kay
Me: Must be d whole animal fetish thing
H: Animal fetish?? Me?
Me: yea...all livestock
-Me leaving room for a bit before returnin to say gdbyes-
Me: (pats Harmini's head) Think cows. (Turns to Daniel) Daniel, moo as hard as you can!
- Me exit door left -

S'times i wonder wat to do with myself.. later days ya'll!

Monday, 6 October 2008

The Great Office War

If only theSun had a work place like would b awesome!

It would b Marketing vs IT...the journalists and photographers just pick sides lol

I'd join IT, they have all the resources and they're mostly Indian men =)

peace out n later days ya'll!!